In our little corner of the world we were hit with an amazing vision of sight, well all in 3D and loving it! Despite the gloomy afternoon monsoon rains and almost predictable blackouts at my place, I got the chance to see a bit of flashy technology and best of all I got to go out and watch a real movie in a real movie cinema!
Shrek Forever and After in 3D!
Hubby surprised us all when he went out to buy early tickets for the opening of the new cinema that just opened on Thursday. 4 tickets to see the latest Shrek movie for Friday night and it was a nice end to finish off the week of school exams for the kids. I couldn't have asked for more but there was a catch to it .... we had to find a baby sitter for Jacob.
I haven't been without Jacob in awhile and he's been joined to the hip with me these days, only occasionally going out with his dad from some quick errands but otherwise he's been my little shadow. I think the last time I really left him was with my mum back in Sydney when we had a night out on one of those rare times. Before that I use to leave him with his godmother every Thursday gym day but that was last year and I haven't hit the gym since ... but I still managed to lose weight running after him!
I always get worried and feel a bit guilty whenever I have to get the kids babysat. I'll call back to check on them and forever wonder what they are up to, are they behaving themselves, are they ok and or are they being little monsters while I'm away. I wonder what they are like when I'm not there? Just my mummy worries I guess.
So, on the day of the movies I asked his godmother if she would be able to look after him while we watched the movie. We were in luck and she was free that night, the movie was on for me. Shrek here I come!
I got Jacob ready, packed his bag and toys and told him where he was going not that he could say anything to me. He's still not the talker just yet but I'm was pretty sure he understood. I suppose he was just as excited to be going out again, twice today with our afternoon school pick ups and now an outing at night. I wonder what he was thinking?
We got to his godmother's house and still none of the tears and cries that I had expected. He opened up his arms to his godmother without a fuss and looked at me with smile. Did he know mummy was going away? I didn't even want to say goodbye but he beat me to it. A little wave from him... he waved to me.
Not five minutes out of the drive way did I sms to check how he was doing. Is he ok? Did he cry? Not a tear in his eyes. I'll have to check on him again later.
3 hours later and the best time in a long time. Shrek was a really good laugh and quite a show with the 3D effects. I really enjoyed it and so did the rest of the family.... no spoilers here!
We went to pick Jacob up and as soon as I got to the door, he was there with open arms. No tears again just a tight little hug from my little boy. What was I worried about? He was fine and seemed to have a good time away. I guess I haven't realised how much he's grown up and just so fast. He's just growing before my eyes.... time for another movie?
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