The First Cut is the Deepest..... yes, especially if it's the first haircut!
I've been thinking about trimming Jacob's hair for some time now. It had grown a little out of shape and 3 bits of tassels were growing all over the place. Long bits and short bits all different lengths and falling over his head like a toupe!
"Trim his hair." the hairdresser would say but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I just couldn't.... It's his baby hair! So fine and the last remaining hold on his baby days.
He's still my baby.....
But yesterday I decided to give him a "little trim" just to sort of tidy it up a bit. Neaten the back and leave the front untouched. He doesn't have much hair in the front so I left that alone.
The three little tassels of hair... all different lengths.
And so I cut his hair, tied up the longer side bits with elastic and.......cut! Well so it seemed. I hesitated a few times trying to talk myself out of it but I knew I had to do it.... you see my dad will be coming over for a visit and I wanted to pass him some of Jacob's hair for my mum... a scapbooking fan and I wanted her to have a keepsake for her scrapbook on the grandkids.
So I took the scissors and cut one ponytail of hair and I knew from then on I had to finish it off. Oh he struggled and moved around wondering what I was doing and in a little over 45 mins his hair was trimmed back. Done!
Where’s my hair Mummy?
Hair all bundled and packaged for the album
The new look!
A good haircut deserves a nap!